What We Do

Let’s Talk EQ-i Certification Leadership Academy

Leadership & Management Programs

Customer Service: Creating "Raving Fans"

For every complaint you hear, there are 26 additional customers with unresolved problems or complaints and six of these are serious.1 To compete in today’s challenging business environment, all employees must understand the role they play in creating positive, lasting impressions with customers, or as we call them “Raving Fans.” This program is designed to answer the question, “What is extraordinary customer service?” and shows employees at all levels how to create the kind of “Raving Fans” that keep coming back and tell others about your company.

1White House Office of Consumer Affairs

In this program, you will learn how to:

– Define “extraordinary” customer service

– Connect service quality to business objectives by identifying the benefits
   of “extraordinary” customer service

– Improve customer service and create “Raving Fans”

– Ask “How may I be of service to you?” to take your customer service to new heights

– Review the simple truths of service

– Recognize barriers to outstanding customer service

– Understand the impact effective communication has on internal and external
   customer experiences

– Motivate individuals to become passionate about customer service and
   make a difference every day

– Develop a personal action plan to improve customer service immediately

Program Length:

4-hour and Full Day Sessions

Core Competencies:

Client Service, Commitment to Results, Communication,
Relationship Building

Developing Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence: one of the single biggest predictors of success in life

“Emotional Intelligence is so critical to success that it accounts for over 60% of performance in all types of jobs.  It’s the single biggest predictor of performance in the workplace and the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence.” Emotional intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well we:

•    Perceive and express ourselves
•    Develop and maintain social relationships
•    Cope with challenges
•    Use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way
In today’s environment one way to set yourself apart is by having a high ‘EQ,’ which is a measure of your “emotional intelligence.”  By enhancing your understanding of your own emotions and those of others and taking them into account when interacting, you can have a positive effect on relationships, business results, commitment, and teamwork. This program highlights the connection between emotions and actions and helps you identify ways to improve your EQ and develop more productive relationships both professionally and personally.  

 Overall Objectives:

  • Define “Who” we are as the “Whole” Person
  • Discuss Misconceptions of Emotional Intelligence 
  • Identify the Impact of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace and Life
  • Discuss how High / Low Levels of Emotional Intelligence Impacts us
  • Identify Benefits of High Emotional Intelligence 
  • Introduce the Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 Model (EQ-i2.0) 
    • Introduce the 5 Composites and 15 Sub-skills
  • Introduce, discuss and interpret EQ-i2.0 Report 
    • Generate a total EI score with five composite scores measuring distinct aspects of emotional and social functioning
    • Gain a deeper understanding of how the results affect a participant’s workplace performance (conflict resolution, change management, teamwork, decision making and more) with strategies customized based on individual results
    • Make instant connections between subscales and help participants leverage EI strengths and improve EI weaknesses
    • Use the Well-Being Indicator to measure your level of happiness; resulting in additional developmental opportunities
  • Understand the importance of “Balancing” the Emotional Intelligence subscales
  • Highlight Steps to Improve Emotional Intelligence
  • Develop Personal Action Plan

Program Length: 4-hour and Full Day Sessions

Core Competencies: Commitment to Results, Communication, Self-Development, Relationship Building, Teamwork


If an organization is going to outperform the competition and be successful today, it must recognize the importance of creating leaders at all levels. Since more than 95% of leadership does not come from the top but throughout the middle of an organization, our belief is that leadership is not based on position but rather the person. Therefore, the question every leader must be able to answer is, “Why should someone follow me?” This program identifies what it takes to be a successful leader and discusses the keys to getting people to want to follow you.

This program will help you:

– Understand the concept of “Servant Leadership” and how it inspires people to want
    to follow you

– Recognize that leadership is about trust, influence and character

– Identify the core competencies and characteristics of effective leaders

– Motivate followers and inspire them to action

– Define six leadership styles and explore “situational leadership”

– Develop the trust, credibility, rapport and relationships you need to lead others

– Differentiate between leadership and management

– Identify and dispel common leadership myths

– Understand the role of “emotional intelligence” in successful leadership

– Grow as a leader through a leadership action plan

Program Length:4-hour and Full Day Sessions

Core Competencies: Commitment to Results, Communication, Developing Others, Self-Development, Relationship Building, Trust

Leading & Managing Change

Jack Welch once said, “I am convinced that if the rate of change within an organization is less than the rate of change outside, the end of the company is in sight.” Yet, most people are naturally inclined to resist change. Who could blame them? Making improvements yields benefits in the future; while the disruption, discomfort and discipline needed to achieve them are immediate. This program highlights the critical role that all employees play in change efforts, identifies the dangers of the “status quo” and provides guidance on how to successfully implement change.

This program will help you to:

– Define change and what causes it to occur

– Understand why people succeed or fail at change

– Understand why people resist change

– Deal effectively with change by understanding tendencies

– Recognize the keys to “Unlocking the Secrets of Change”

– Intervene in or prevent conflict by recognizing the early warning signs and causes

– Leverage team cooperation and improve communication to boost team results

– Implement successful change initiatives

Program Length: 4-hour and Full Day Sessions

Core Competencies: Commitment to Results, Organizational Awareness, Promotes Change, Problem Solving, Strategy & Vision

LifePrint™ to Living & Leading

In a recent poll, only 12% of Americans said that most of their day is spent doing things they enjoy. This “epidemic of disengagement” is crushing the spirit and motivation of individuals and damaging the bottom line of organizations. Just as a builder needs a blueprint before beginning construction, all of us should have a LifePrint to create the life we want. The “LifePrint™ to Living & Leading” is our signature program designed to help individuals identify, connect with and align their passions, values, talents and skills with their occupational responsibilities and personal desires (family, community).

LifePrint™ to Living & Leading will help you to:

– Understand the importance and power of career and life planning

– Identify the key elements that make you unique, or as we call it, “Extraordinary”:
   Passion, Values, Motivators, Roles, Purpose, Vision, Goals, Talents, Skills, Strengths

– Define “Extraordinary” results

– Properly align the key elements of your life to allow consistent achievement
   at work and at home

–  Use the “Extraordinary” Konnection Gauge™ (EKG) to determine whether
    you are fully engaged or just going through the motions

– Complete a draft of your LifePrint™ – a plan for living  your best life

Note: This program can be combined with our LifePrint™ Coaching program as a two-part development series.

Program Length: 4-hour and All Day Sessions

Core Competencies: Commitment to Results, Communication, Self-Development

Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking is critical to the ultimate success and profitability of any organization. It prevents stagnation as organizations and individuals pursue their goals and visions. After all, goal setting is worthless if you do not have the proper thinking and processes to establish a strategic plan of action. This program is designed to reveal the vital components necessary to build effective strategic thinking and planning, and show organizational leaders how to encourage creativity, unleash employees’ potential and implement new ideas.

This program will help you:

– Link strategic thinking to profitability and success

– Implement vision, strategy and goals into an action plan

– Ask the right questions and focus discussions

– Meet the challenges diversity, generations and a changing workforce
   create when applying organizational strategies

– Recognize what differentiates great organizations from great organizations

– Avoid mistakes during planning and overcome obstacles while executing

– Understand the value of effectively communicating the strategic plan to ensure results

Program Length: 4-hour and Full Day Sessions

Core Competencies: Commitment to Results, Organizational Awareness, Problem Solving, Strategy & Vision