Leadership Corner

Let’s Talk EQ-i Certification Leadership Academy

Relationship Strategies

It is almost impossible to be successful at anything you do without being an effective communicator. Where most people struggle is in understanding their own preferences and inaccurately reading others, causing them to misunderstand the intended message. To avoid unwanted confusion, you must first understand your own communication tendencies and then assess others by accurately interpreting the clues they give off when speaking, including what they say, how they say it, and the body language they demonstrate. When you practice the Platinum Rule™ - ‘Treat others the way they want to be treated’ - you build rapport, credibility and trust.

In our many years of consulting, this concept has become one of the cornerstone areas for growth and development for both individuals and teams. The impact of learning how to understand the communication preferences of others as well as how to adapt your approach to their style ‘in the moment’ are among the top contributors to building successful relationships.

We use various assessment tools to provide true skills for reading and adapting to others, including The Platinum Rule Assessment and the DISC Assessment.

If you are interested in taking yourself or your team through an Assessment Process with the goal to develop action plans for improving the approach to relationship building, contact us for more information. A member of our team will walk you through how to take the on-line assessment and share program options for skill building.

Book Reference:
The Platinum Rule, Dr. Tony Alessandra